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When researching replacement windows for your home, most home owners concentrate on the aesthetics, energy efficiency or style of the windows. While these decisions are very important in choosing the best replacement window, Windows on Washington also encourages home owners to focus on the safety and security options of their new replacement windows. There are 3 main options when it comes to the safety of new replacement windows that should be considered:
TEMPERED GLASS - Tempered glass is a type of safety glass manufactured with thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength as compared to normal glass. Tempering creates balanced internal stresses, which will cause the glass to crumble into small granular chunks instead of splintering into dangerous, jagged shards, should the glass break.
Where is tempered glass generally used?
LAMINATED GLASS - Laminated glass is also a type of safety glass that holds together when shattered. When laminated glass is broken, it is held in place by an interlayer between its two or more layers of glass. The interlayer keeps the layers of glass bonded even when broken, and its high strength prevents the glass from breaking into large, sharp, lethal pieces.
Laminated glass has the added benefit of providing significant sound control as well. In urban areas, laminated glass can be utilized to reduce outdoor noise with very good efficacy.
Where is laminated glass generally used?
LOCKING SYSTEMS - These systems help protect against intruders, keeping your family safe.
Which types of locking systems may be used?
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