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If you have ever invested in a new roof and experienced the utter frustration that happens when your new investment fails, we understand your frustration. Customers who have had their roofs installed elsewhere often come to us dumbfounded as to why their new roof is already failing, especially when a roof is expected to last at least 15-20 years or longer. It is no secret that a roof is a hefty investment, although there are countless benefits to installing a new roof, such as it offers a 68.4% ROI according to Remodeling’s Cost Vs Value Report 2018. Nonetheless, new roofs are a big investment, so it is important it is done correctly. There are many reasons why a new roof will fail, some being more obvious than others. In this article, we will be revealing the top 4 reasons new roofs fail, and how to avoid falling victim to a bungled roof.
The fact of the matter is, the best shingle in the world is only as good as the professional who installs it. When it comes to a failing roof, poor workmanship is often the number one offender. Shingles that have not been properly nailed, flashing shortcuts, poor detail work on penetrations and improper roof-to-wall intersections are some of the most common examples of poor workmanship that lead to a failed roof, including: shingles blowing away, water leaks, property damage and sometimes, mold growth. You should also watch out for the inappropriate use of caulk, which is not a replacement for proper technique and application. Many poor roofing installers out there use caulk to hide problems that should be addressed in a more professional or costly way. Also, a quality roofing contractor will consistently make sure that every application is aimed at creating the most durable and leak-proof roof.
The second worst offender when it comes to a failed roof is when roofing contractors try to cut corners and use cheap materials. Items like edge metals, using cheap sealants and pipe collars, as well as the re-use of flashings are just some of the cost-savings tactics contractors will use to cut costs. Unfortunately, many homeowners accept the bid from the cheapest roofing company, which is never wise. You must ask yourself - Where do you think the savings come from? How are some contractors able to complete the work at such a steep discount? While the cost between the best materials and least expensive materials can add up, opting for the higher quality materials is always the best way to go. Think about it this way: an unexpected leak in your roof will be far more expensive and problematic than spending a little extra upfront to get the best quality materials.
Ventilation is commonly overlooked when it comes to roofing. The truth is, proper attic and roofing ventilation is vital in order to maintain a dry and healthy attic. Furthermore, adequate attic ventilation protects your attic against ice dams that can form after heavy bouts of snowfall. Continuous and balanced ventilation can be easily achieved if your roofing contractor understands current ventilation technology and options, and takes their time to do it correctly.
Flashings are pieces of metal that work by waterproofing your roof’s weakest parts, such as its valleys. If flashing is improperly installed or applied, it is highly possible you will experience a fair amount of water damage in your home. It is often the case that low quality sealants are the cause of flashing-related leaks, so it is vital your roofing contractor firstly knows how to properly apply flashing, and secondly uses a high quality roofing sealant.
At the end of the day, the best way to ensure your roof does not fail is to hire a professional, experienced and quality roofing contractor. Ask your friends for referrals, or do some research online to find the best company in your area.
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