Which is Best - Wood or Fiberglass Replacement Windows?

Here are the key factors you need to know when determining whether wood or fiberglass replacement windows are best for your home.

When determining whether wood or fiberglass replacement windows are best, there are a few key factors to consider. While both window materials have their individual benefits, it is ultimately up to the homeowner to decide which will best suit their needs and home. In terms of cost, both wood and fiberglass replacement windows tend to be more expensive than vinyl windows, although the cost can vary widely depending on which brand you choose. When looking at energy efficiency, both fiberglass and wood replacement windows can be excellent insulators. However, because the fiberglass frame is hollow, insulative foam can be added, which increases its overall energy efficiency. Furthermore, when considering material quality, fiberglass windows are stronger than wood replacement windows. In terms of aesthetics, homeowners need to decide on the look they want to achieve with the new window replacements. You can read more about the differences between fiberglass and wood replacement windows here.