How is Energy Efficiency in a Window Measured?

Read about the different ways to measure energy efficiency in a window.


When choosing a new replacement window, one of the most important factors to consider is its energy efficiency. There are a few ways to measure energy efficiency in a window, such as: 

  • Visible Transmittance (VT), which measures the amount of light that gets through.
  • U-Factor, which measures the rate of heat transfer and tells you how well the window insulates.
  • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SGHC), which measures the fraction of solar energy transmitted and tells you how well the window blocks heat caused by sunlight.
  • Air Leakage (AL), which measures the rate of air passes through joints in the window.
  • Condensation Resistance, which measures how well the window resists water build-up.

You can read more about the different components of an energy-efficient window here.